All financial media professionals, hobbyists, and publishers, both independent publishers and employees within the financial media industry, may become members of the Plutus Foundation. Membership is granted through a tax-deductible (pending) donation to the Plutus Foundation.
Each year, the Foundation Steering Committee determines how to distribute available foundation funds as grants to eligible nonprofit organizations. Organizations are eligible if they work in an effort to fulfill the mission of the Plutus Foundation.
The Plutus Foundation will offer several levels of membership.
Basic Foundation Membership. Your gift of any amount will qualify you for a one-year membership in the Plutus Foundation. Become a member now.
Sustaining Foundation Membership. A monthly automatic recurring gift of any amount will qualify you for sustaining membership in the Plutus Foundation. Sustaining Foundation Members may also qualify for the Foundation Steering Committee. Become a member now.
Independent Publisher Membership. Many independent financial publishers, including bloggers, are business owners. Business owners or other members of the financial media who pledge a percentage of their business’s revenue to the Plutus Foundation will qualify for Independent Publisher Membership. Independent Publisher Members may also qualify for the Foundation Steering Committee. Become a member now.
Foundation Steering Committee. Members of the financial media who would like to be more involved with the funds granted by the Plutus Foundation may apply for participation in the Foundation Steering Committee. Committee members must be sustaining or independent publisher members in good standing and must be selected by the Board of Trustees.
More information about membership and contributions is found here.