Board of Directors Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for a director’s position on the Plutus Foundation Board of Directors. Our bylaws call for a board consisting of between three and ten members, and we consider adding new directors at any time throughout the year. There is no set term per our bylaws, but we would expect anyone to be ready to serve for at least one year.
The Board of Directors meets once a quarter, including two meetings with the Executive Team. The time commitment is minimal, but directors are expected to provide insight and, in some cases, resources to further the mission of the Plutus Foundation. These are the expectations:
  • Share your network and open doors.
  • Be responsible for contributing or finding contributors or partners at a certain level every year.
  • Advocate for the Plutus Foundation, its mission, and its community.
  • Actively participate in the meetings as much as possible.
For other ways to be involved with the Plutus Foundation, consider applying for a position on our Executive Team for volunteering at one of our many in-person or virtual events.
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