Transform Your Money Accountability Project

Grant Awarded Spring 2021

Research shows that we have better results when working towards a goal in a community than when going it alone.

In 2018, a group of over 30 women volunteered to participate in a virtual community trial.

They were grouped with accountability partners, participated in bi-weekly progress check-ins, and leveraged the power of positive peer pressure. The trial lasted 3 months.

In that time, the group paid off a collective $33,621 of debt and added $7,000 to savings.
The grant from the Plutus Foundation helps more women experience the power of accountability through the Transform Your Money Accountability Project.

Looking for help reaching your financial goal?

Feel like you’re all alone when it comes to money?

Having trouble stretching money and paying off bills?

Transform will:

Connect with others on the debt free journey.
Learn tricks and tips to stay focused.
Find a safe space to work our your money challenges.
And most of all – pay debt off once and for all!

Contribute to Support Our Grants

About Toni Husbands

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Toni Husbands is one of the co-founders of the Debt Free Divas and the principal content contributor at She and her husband paid off $107,000 of consumer debt over seven years. Near the end of that journey, she worked with three ladies to develop a community that provided the constant support and encouragement that helped her stay focused. Since 2010, the Debt Free Divas has sought to provide that support via blog, a long-running podcast, and financial literacy development campaigns.

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