Plutus™ Foundation Impact Series

Housing Affordability Movement

August 2022

Each month in 2022, the Plutus Foundation Impact Series features select articles, podcast episodes, and videos from participating content creators, all around a central theme.

The theme for August is housing affordability movement. Have you notice the cost of rent and homeownership has increased tremendously while wages are struggling to keep up. 

The housing crisis is getting worst. This has caused a strain on people to make tough choices to provide for their family. People should not have to choose between providing a roof over their heads or paying for food or clothes for their loved ones. How can this change? What can we do to make housing more affordable?

The best solutions, advice, and stories from the Plutus Community will help you have an impact on your life.

Whether you live in a market where a mortgage costs less per month than a rental is beside the point. No matter where you live, housing costs are on the rise. It’s difficult to change your living situation without a big price tag.”

Affordable housing isn’t just a problem—it’s our problem. You don’t get to opt out of caring just because you own a home, or you can easily afford your rent. It affects our communities, our young’uns—and I believe the children are the future!”

The housing market is evolving rapidly, leaving people wondering if it’s still worth it to take the leap and become a homeowner. Housing prices are increasing and changing interest rates make deciding whether to buy a home even more complex.”

Images licensed via BigStockPhoto
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