Book Highlight: Grab Your Slice by Monica Scudieri

Monica, Pie Lady FI is an author and FIRE blogger committed to educating women and solo parents on how to go from financial couch potato to superstar.


She does this by sharing her own 10-year journey starting from divorce, raising kids, and $257,000 of debt to achieving financial independence and inspiring others to grab their slice too. She can be found at

What inspired you to write this book?

About half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, a sobering statistic. People don’t marry with the intent to divorce years later. That was certainly my case, but here I was 40 years old, divorced, raising two kids, and $257,000 in debt. It took me 10 years to not only dig out of that but reach financial independence. My experience is not unique, but the way I handled it, with grit and perseverance, shows that no matter the starting point, anyone can do it. I share my story to show that there are many ways to make your own FI Pie recipe and it’s never too late to grab your slice.

What is your book about?

Grab Your Slice of Financial Independence is a 10-year snapshot of my own journey going from divorce, $257,000 of debt, and raising two kids to ultimately reaching financial independence. With each phase, I outline exercises and provide information based on my own experience to guide readers in grabbing their own slice of FI Pie.

What one key takeaway do you hope someone gets from reading your book?

It’s never too late to start thinking about financial independence.

Who should read this book?

Women and solo parents.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

A schedule. I don’t do well with blocking off a couple of hours a day solely for writing. There is too much pressure to produce, especially when I don’t have something on my mind.

How do you deal with writer’s block?

When I have writer’s block, I take a break. Do something else. Cook. Go for a walk. Literally anything but sit at my desk and write. Sometimes, I go a few days, then inspiration will hit me and suddenly I am in flow.

What does your writing space look like?

I have a whiteboard with my big-picture projects and some high-level goals for the year. A lot of natural light and a desk with many pieces of paper on it… I call it organized chaos.

What are your top three favorite books of all time?

1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
2. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
3. Automatic Wealth by Michael Masterson

What are you working on now?

With my first book now published, I am turning my attention back to my blog,, which I put on hold to focus on the book. The plan is for a rebranding of the blog as well as, next year, publishing a corresponding workbook and possibly online classes that follow the same phased format of Grab Your Slice of FI. We all learn in different ways.

Where can people find you?

To learn more about me and the book, readers can go to, and to see the before and after transformation, come visit my blog,

Twitter: @Grab_Your_Slice

Instagram: @Monica_gys1

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