Announcing the Fall 2019 Grant Recipients
The Plutus Foundation is pleased to announce recipients of the Fall 2019 round of grants, Talk Money to Me (Kara Perez) and Dollars and Good Sense (Debbie Todd).
The Plutus Foundation is pleased to announce recipients of the Fall 2019 round of grants, Talk Money to Me (Kara Perez) and Dollars and Good Sense (Debbie Todd).
Call for Grant Proposals The Plutus Foundation will award up to two grants directly to members of the financial media for activities and programs designed to provide community based financial education. Applicants may request funds for new or ongoing projects. Collaborative projects as well as those that target marginalized populations
It’s not easy to leave an abusive relationship. Among other variables, there’s the issue of money. And since 99% of domestic violence cases involve financial abuse, that makes it even more difficult. Because without money, there’s no freedom or power.
Financial exploitation is defined as the illegal or improper use of a vulnerable or elderly person’s property, funds, and assets. This can look like stealing property, forging signatures on checks, cashing checks without permission, or using money to control the individual in their care.
As part of our series on financial abuse, we’re sharing a story from someone who’s survived it. For her safety and privacy, we’re publishing it anonymously. Are you experiencing financial abuse?
Many domestic violence victims who also experience financial abuse. Here are the signs of financial abuse, why you should care, and how you can help.
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the Spring 2019 round of grants from the Plutus Foundation for financial literacy projects.
Here’s what you need to receive a grant from the Plutus Foundation.
It’s that time again! Time to submit your application to receive one of two Plutus Foundation grants! What is it? Twice per year, the Foundation makes available two $2,000 grants to members of the personal finance media providing community-based financial education and/or financial literacy programs. Past winners include Econ Beats,
On November 26, 2018, the Plutus Foundation held our first Giving Tuesday event, a Facebook Live marathon. These are the most important takeaways from that event, thanks to our panel of experts.
You already know about our newest grant recipients, what we did at FinCon18 and our time at the Teenpreneur Conference. Why not find out what else our other grant and sponsorship recipients have been up to this year?
If you’re interested in creating a financial literacy program, or helping an existing one, here are some key elements to consider. According to the 2018 Survey of the States, a biennial, comprehensive study of financial and economic education in United States’s K-12 schools conducted by the Council for Economic Education:
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