Author: Sherrian Crumbley

Financial Literacy

The Impact of Financial Literacy for Young Learners

To top off Financial Literacy Month, we want you to hear from one of our grant recipients, Holly Reid, about her program, Millionaire Money Camp for Kids. Holly is passionate about reaching kids and shares with us the impact that her program has made in the life of her students.

grant proposal award letter
Grants and Programs

What Should Go Into a Grant Proposal for the Plutus Foundation

It is almost grant submission time and we want you to be as prepared as possible to be considered for a Plutus Foundation grant. You can have the most exciting program upcoming but if you are not able to clearly state your vision and needs, it makes it difficult for

Grants and Programs

Fall 2021 Grants Are Now Available!

We are gearing up for the annual Plutus Awards where we will not only celebrate the best in financial media but we will also announce the recipients of our Fall 2021 grants. If you have a financial literacy project or program, please read on to learn more about our application

New Year Resolution Goals List 2020
Grants and Programs

2021 Plutus Foundation Grants: What You Need to Know

The Plutus Foundation brings attention to the innovative and creative projects that personal finance creators are developing to support their communities with grant funds as well as programming and support.

Grants and Programs

Submit Your Proposal for a Grant: Fall 2020

Call for Grant Proposals The Plutus Foundation will award up to three grants directly to members of the financial media for activities and programs designed to provide community-based financial education. Applicants may request funds for new or ongoing projects. Collaborative projects are encouraged. The amount of funds available for each

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Note: There are no currently scheduled PlutusChats.