Talk Money to Me

Grant Awarded Fall 2019

Talk Money to Me, run by Kara Perez, is a pop-up event where women and non-binary people can come together to learn financial tools and tips to help them address their specific needs.

Most personal finance advice is aimed at straight couples or men, and doesn’t address the challenges these two groups face. We’ll gather for a full day to discuss negotiation, debt pay off, investing and money management with an eye to the truths of life as a marginalized population.

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About Kara Perez

Talk Money to Me

Kara Perez is the CEO and founder of Bravely Go, and is the organizer of Talk Money to Me. Kara founded Bravely Go is 2017 after paying off her own student loan debt on part time income and blogging about her journey towards financial education on a low income.

The child of an immigrant and raised by a single mother, Kara feels strongly that the world of personal finance can do so much more to be inclusive and to reach the United States most vulnerable populations.

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