Tag: financial literacy

Financial Literacy

How to Financially Prepare for an Emergency

Concerned that you’re not ready for the next emergency? These eight steps can help you prepare ahead of time so you’re less likely to end up stuck if things get difficult again.

Financial Literacy

Black Wall Street — A Brief History

Have you heard of Black Wall Street or the Tulsa Race Massacre? If not, you’re missing out on a large piece of financial history in America.


5 Things I’ve Learned About Financial Abuse

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. One key component of domestic abuse is financial domestic abuse: an individual uses money or other financial means as a tool to gain power over someone.

Insulted woman at table with young man using tablet
Financial Literacy

Financial Infidelity and Financial Abuse: How They’re Linked

It’s not easy to leave an abusive relationship. Among other variables, there’s the issue of money. And since 99% of domestic violence cases involve financial abuse, that makes it even more difficult. Because without money, there’s no freedom or power.

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