Category: Grants and Programs

Grants and Programs

Announcing the Fall 2019 Grant Recipients

The Plutus Foundation is pleased to announce recipients of the Fall 2019 round of grants, Talk Money to Me (Kara Perez) and Dollars and Good Sense (Debbie Todd).

Grants and Programs

Submit Your Grant Proposal

Call for Grant Proposals The Plutus Foundation will award up to two grants directly to members of the financial media for activities and programs designed to provide community based financial education. Applicants may request funds for new or ongoing projects. Collaborative projects as well as those that target marginalized populations

The elevate community group photo
Grants and Programs

The Elevate Influencer Conference Experience

The Plutus Foundation had the pleasure of sponsoring the inaugural Elevate Influencer Conference, held in New York City on May 24-25. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss next year’s.

Grants and Programs

Spring 2019 Grants Now Available!

It’s that time again! Time to submit your application to receive one of two Plutus Foundation grants! What is it? Twice per year, the Foundation makes available two $2,000 grants to members of the personal finance media providing community-based financial education and/or financial literacy programs. Past winners include Econ Beats,

Grants and Programs

Plutus Foundation 2018 Year In Review

You already know about our newest grant recipients, what we did at FinCon18 and our time at the Teenpreneur Conference. Why not find out what else our other grant and sponsorship recipients have been up to this year?

Grants and Programs

Creating and Supporting Financial Literacy Programs: A How-To Guide

If you’re interested in creating a financial literacy program, or helping an existing one, here are some key elements to consider. According to the 2018 Survey of the States, a biennial, comprehensive study of financial and economic education in United States’s K-12 schools conducted by the Council for Economic Education:

Grants and Programs

Heroes at Home: Money Skills for Military Servicemembers

Heroes at Home is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that brings financial literacy to the military in a tour featuring an engaging presentation. The Plutus Foundation sponsored the organization’s visit to Pensacola Naval Air Station.

Grants and Programs

The Plutus Foundation Attends FinCon18

This year, Orlando, Florida provided the backdrop for FinCon, a huge conference for the personal finance media. All the members of our executive team attended and we had an absolutely amazing time! Travelling to Orlando allowed us to connect with old and new friends, increase the awareness of the Foundation, and

Grants and Programs

Announcing the Plutus Foundation Fall 2018 Grant Recipients!

First, a big thank you to everyone who submitted an application for this round of grants. We’re encouraged and excited by the growing amount of financial literacy programs, and we wish we could support even more of them. In fact, we’re working hard to make that happen in the future.