Category: Plutus Awards

Plutus Awards Sponsor Profile: Scottrade

We are excited to present another sponsor profile, this one from Scottrade, a company that has generous agreed to sponsor the Winner Gift Bags: Whether clients want to manage their own investments, just need help with where to start, or require management solutions, Scottrade can help. Investors and traders can

Plutus Awards Sponsor Profile: Experian

One of the great things about FinCon is the ability to network while having fun. This year, we are hosting a Happy Hour after the Plutus Awards and before the FinCon Closing Party. This should be a fun way to relax, and to network with fellow bloggers, journalists, and financial

Plutus Awards Sponsor Profile: Fidelity

Without our great sponsors, the Plutus Awards wouldn’t be possible. This year, we redesigned our web site, and Fidelity made it happen with a generous sponsorship. Not only is this the third year that Fidelity has been involved with FinCon, but it is also the second year that Fidelity has helped

Introducing This Year’s Blogger Panel

Now that nominations are under way, things are a lot more “real” for the Plutus Awards team. One of the things that makes the Plutus Awards possible, aside from our awesome sponsors, is the Blogger Panel. The Plutus Awards Blogger Panel helps break ties when choosing the finalists, and votes


Behind the Scenes at the Plutus Awards: Meet the Team

Every year at FinCon, we present the Plutus Awards to recognize the best of the personal finance blogosphere. Personal finance bloggers recognize their peers for their accomplishments. However, this sort of event doesn’t put itself on. We have a team working behind the scenes to make it happen. Plutus Awards

Get Ready for the 5th Annual Plutus Awards at FinCon14

We’re gearing up for the 5th Annual Plutus Awards. Each year has brought improvements, and we’re thrilled to be a part of the closing night festivities at FinCon14. We’re looking forward to being even more closely integrated with FinCon — and ready to recognize what’s best about the financial blogging community.

The Plutus Awards Ceremony

To start off the Financial Blogger Conference weekend, the Plutus Awards ceremony in St. Louis put all conference attendees in the mood for an exciting weekend. Kevin McKee, from Reward Boost andThousandaire created two musical numbers for the event, and for the opening number, he was joined on stage by

Behind the Scenes at the Plutus Awards

This year marks the fourth year that we have held the Plutus Awards. We’re excited that, thanks in large part to our sponsors, this year’s Plutus Awards ceremony promises to be the best yet. But the Plutus Awards couldn’t happen without the efforts of those who work behind the scenes

Thanks to Our Plutus Awards Sponsors!

This year, we’re trying to make the Plutus Awards better than ever, and we have some great sponsors to help us make it happen. We’re very excited about the entertainment, including Kevin McKee from Reward Boost and Thousandairereturning as Master of Ceremonies and the after-party planned for The Dubliner, a

Preparing for the Fourth Annual Plutus Awards

Plans are under way for the Fourth Annual Plutus Awards. Over the course of the next few months, the Planning Committee and I will provide more information about this year’s awards and the ceremony. We do have some exciting news to share at this early stage: The Fourth Annual Plutus

The Plutus Awards Ceremony

The Plutus Awards ceremony was one of the opening events of this year’s Financial Blogger Conference. The awards ceremony was masterfully hosted by Kevin McKee of and the night wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the dedicated group of volunteers. The evening was an amazing success. Thank

The Plutus Awards Blogger Panel

In an effort to streamline and improve this year’s Plutus Awards before the awards season began, the Plutus Awards Planning Committee made some changes to the structure of the Awards. To eliminate predictability and the effect of the popular vote, the voting process was changed to start all categories with