Category: Plutus Awards


Introducing the Seventh Annual Plutus Awards

The Plutus Awards is an annual awards ceremony celebrating the best in personal finance. It has been held every year since 2010, and since 2011, the ceremony has been held at the annual FinCon Expo. Through the Plutus Awards, the independent financial media community honors the products and services that

6th Annual Plutus Awards Winners: Congratulations From Fidelity

Not too long ago, we gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina to network, learn, and recognize each other as members of the online financial community. Once again, we were excited to present the Plutus Awards at FinCon. We recognize the best and the brightest in independent financial media, and we are

Plutus Awards

Congratulations to the Winners!

These winners were announced on September 19, 2015 at the 6th Annual Plutus Awards Ceremony at FinCon15. Are you a winner? Share this badge on your site to let others know. Here is the code to use: <a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125" /></a> Winners of the 6th Annual Plutus Awards

Plutus Awards

Congratulations to the Product and Service Winners!

While the 6th Annual Plutus Awards ceremony is just hours away, we would like to recognize the winners of this year’s Plutus Awards product and service categories. Tonight’s ceremony is reserved to honor to winners of the independent publisher and projects categories, so to see who has won this year’s

Plutus Awards

Voting is Still on for the People’s Choice Award – Encourage Your Followers

The nominations have been made and the finalists for almost all of the Plutus Awards categories have been announced. But we’re not done yet. The People’s Choice Award, sponsored by AccountLancer, is yet to be decided. Unlike the other categories, which are determined by a Blogger Panel after nominations have been

Congratulations to the Plutus Awards Finalists!

After a month-long entry, nomination, and discussion process, we are now ready to introduce the Finalists for the Sixth Annual Plutus Awards. The public process began on August 1, when financial bloggers and other media professionals were invited to submit their projects for consideration. We also began accepting proposals for

Plutus Awards

5 Things Bloggers MUST Know Before Pledging to the Plutus Foundation

Don’t pledge or donate money to the Plutus Foundation before reading this. The mission of the Plutus Foundation is to provide opportunities for the financial media community to support programs that enhance the financial capability and well-being of citizens of the world. This is our statement of purpose for the

Plutus Awards

Twitter Chat With Special Guest Joe Saul-Sehy, $300 In Prizes!

If you joined us in June for our Twitter chat with Latisha Styles,  you know that the Plutus Awards team plans on bringing experts in for public discussions throughout the year, sharing their expertise to help you create the blog of your dreams, and maybe earn your very own Plutus Award!

Plutus Awards

Introducing the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel

Every year, a panel of Plutus Awards peers reviews the nominations and selects the finalists. This Blogger Panel is essential in the success of the Plutus Awards every year. We can now introduce this year’s Blogger Panel, but applications are still open. Serving on the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel is

Plutus Awards

Sixth Annual Plutus Awards Calendar

These are this year’s important dates to remember. Monday, July 6 Blogger Panel Applications Open Friday, July 24 Blogger Panel Applications Close Monday, July 27 Bloggers may enter blogs and projects and submit nominations Monday, August 31 Nominations close (except for People’s Choice) Tuesday, September 1 Finalists in all categories

Plutus Awards Partner Profile: Fidelity

FinCon15 marks the fourth year that Fidelity has been involved with the conference and this is also the second year that Fidelity has been a sponsor of the Plutus Awards. With continued support and involvement, Fidelity demonstrates its dedication to learn, share and collaborate with the financial blogger community. “Fidelity