Category: Plutus Awards

The Heroes at Home: Combating Financial Illiteracy on Military Bases

Financial readiness is equal to military readiness. That statement is what compels The Heroes at Home team to continue their mission to combat financial illiteracy on military bases. It is also what persuaded Ellie Kay to found Heroes at Home, a non-profit organization that holds free Financial Education Events on

Book Highlight: Beyond Money

Brad Rosley has been a Certified Financial Planner since 1990 and started his own wealth management business (Fortune Financial Group) in 1996. He’s a former President of the 1,000 member Financial Planning Association of IL. He has a wife and three children living in Glen Ellyn, IL. What inspired you


Announcing the Finalists for the 9th Annual Plutus Awards

We are excited to announce the finalists for the 9th Annual Plutus Awards. This year’s Plutus Awards, presented by Fidelity, will be held in Orlando, Florida on September 28, 2018, during FinCon18. This year, the talented Bethany Bayless will be returning as our host and emcee, along with other surprises


Plutus Award Media Partner Profile: Fidelity

FinCon18 marks the 7th year that Fidelity has participated at the conference. This is also the 5th year that Fidelity has been a sponsor of the Plutus Awards. Fidelity continues to be an active member of the community, looking for opportunities to offer financial education and insights for the next

Twitter Chat w/ Exclusive Guests Sandy Smith & Michelle Jackson!

If you joined us for our previous Twitter chats,  you know that the Plutus Awards team plans on bringing experts in for public discussions throughout the year, sharing their expertise to help you create the blog of your dreams, and catches you up to what the PF blogging community is

Where Are They Now? #13 – Amanda Abella

Featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Inc, and Business Insider, Amanda Abella is a Latina Millennial Finance Expert who created an online community where millennials can learn how to make money online and actually enjoy their financial journeys. Her ever-growing community is currently made up of over 40,000 individuals across


The Plutus Foundation Offers Two Additional Grants for 2018

For members of the financial media, the Plutus Foundation (parent organization of the Plutus Awards) awards up to two grants every six months, up to $2,000 each, for facilitating financial literacy and education projects. If you are a member of the independent financial media community — whether you write or

How to Structure Your YouTube Videos for Success

Joseph Hogue worked as an equity analyst and an economist before realizing being rich is no substitute for being happy. He now runs five websites and a YouTube channel in the personal finance niche, makes more money than he ever did at a 9-to-5 job and loves building his work-from-home

Where Are They Now #12 – Kylie Travers

Kylie overcame domestic violence, homelessness, robbery, rape, paralysis, a cancer scare and mental health issues as a single mum to become a multiple international award-winning CEO, keynote speaker, author, blogger and charity advocate, in the space of 3 years. Through her work, Kylie won 3 Plutus Awards, was a finalist

Book Highlight: The Ultimate Guide to Couponing

Teresa Mears is a website publisher, consultant, content strategist and editor who was raised to be frugal. In her 40 years as a journalist, she has written for papers ranging in size from the weekly Portland (Tenn.) Leader to The Los Angeles Times. She’s editor-in-chief and co-owner of Living on the

Announcing The Return Of… Plutus Awards Tweet Chats!

If you’ve joined us in previous Twitter chats with special guests such as J.D Roth and Jim Wang, you know that the Plutus Awards team brings experts in for public discussions, sharing their expertise to help you create life on your terms by sharing their wisdom. That’s why we’re happy to

Where Are They Now? #11 – The Feminist Financier

The Feminist Financier is on a mission to help women build wealth. She talks to ladies about money – how to get it, grow it, manage it – in order to achieve their goals. She has always been fascinated by money. Finally, but importantly, she’s a feminist – meaning, she